Über Uns

Rapid economic changes, new technologies, high customer demands:
ee factor is your reliable constant in a time of change.

Shape the agile future of your company anew.

Confident.Bound by values.
Our unique path to agile excellence.

We combine cross-industry know-how from digitalization, change management, agile and scrum and give the expertise personality through our team.

4 steps to Success

With our specially developed 4-step model Agile Alignment for Excellence. From strategy to implementation - ee factor as a strong sparring partner in times of transition. Rethink change. Tangible change. Measurable success.

Condition - Status Quo

- What is the current condition
- what are the pressure points?
- what needs to be achieved?

Analysis & evaluation

-"Measure & weigh"
- Use of metrics & agile maturity, models
- What has already been done & what has it achieved?

Training plan including measures

- Discussion of recommended actions
- Creation of a (customized) training plan
- Support to boost performance

Successful & fit thanks to shared commitment

- Implementation monitoring
- Responsibilities are transparent
- Changes based on analysis & evaluations
- Continuous "Inspect & Adapt"
- Full speed ahead!
satisfied customers

aus Automobilindustrie, Telekommunikation und Dienstleistung


Change Management war noch nie so agil wie heute


with extensive expertise in a wide range of areas we will develop your path to an economically stable future

4 steps to Success

Condition - Status Quo

- What is the current condition
- what are the pressure points?
- what needs to be achieved?

Analysis & evaluation

-"Measure & weigh"
- Use of metrics & agile maturity, models
- What has already been done & what has it achieved?

Training plan including measures

- Discussion of recommended actions
- Creation of a (customized) training plan
- Support to boost performance

Successful & fit thanks to shared commitment

- Implementation monitoring
- Responsibilities are transparent
- Changes based on analysis & evaluations
- Continuous "Inspect & Adapt"
- Full speed ahead!


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ee factor agile consulting GmbH

ee factor agile consulting GmbH

Adress: Am Eckerngarten 20A
32479 Hille

Tel. +49 (0) 160 1020 310

E-Mail: Info(at)ee-factor.de

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