Our Team

Our team is a diverse group of talented professionals dedicated to delivering exceptional results. With a passion for innovation and collaboration, each member brings unique skills and expertise to help our clients succeed. We’re committed to providing creative solutions and ensuring the highest quality in everything we do.

Edgar Ehlers

Founder and initiator

Annika Gennen


Alina Hopf

HR Manager

Lydia Serjakow

Administrative Generalist & People Lead

Our Commitment to Values – Our Strength

Our team combines valuable expertise with practical soft skills.

Values such as openness, courage, and respect shape our actions. With a clear focus on agility and digitalization, we guide our clients through change and transformation—always transparent, efficient, and goal-oriented.

Our diversity is our strength. From management to the people lead, each team member brings unique skills to develop the best solutions. Together, we shape the future.


We actively stand behind our shared goals and take responsibility. By identifying with our decisions, we strengthen our intrinsic motivation.


We see conflicts as opportunities, openly address challenges, and have the courage to confidently explore new paths.


In our interactions, we value each other's contributions and recognize that everyone has their own values. It is our responsibility to foster understanding and alignment.


We trust in the principle, "I'm okay, you're okay." Transparency, self-reflection, and embracing mistakes are key to our collaboration. We present ourselves authentically—with all our strengths and weaknesses.

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